
James Feldkamp
January 14, 2020

James Feldkamp Offers 4 Key Tips for Cybersecurity

During his career, James Feldkamp has specialized in international security, foreign policy initiatives, and cybersecurity, helping a variety of establishments safeguard themselves from online threats. To help citizens protect themselves against malicious agents seeking to use their private information for harm, he shares with readers below a few key tips for protecting online activity. James […]

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James Feldkamp
January 14, 2020

James Feldkamp Names 3 Vital Tips for Avoiding Scams Abroad

Having worked on international security projects for both the military and the Federal government for decades, James Feldkamp has developed a keen understanding of traveling safely to foreign countries. To help American tourists who may be traveling abroad, Feldkamp shares three critical tips for avoiding scams while overseas.    James Feldkamp has been an integral […]

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James Feldkamp
January 7, 2020

James Feldkamp Discusses Recent Senate Bill Aiming to Boost Electric Grid Cybersecurity

James Feldkamp has more than 30 years of Federal government and military experience, specializing in international security and foreign policy initiatives. Having worked on a number of high-level security projects across his career, he shares his insight to the recently proposed senate bill that will encourage stronger electric grid cybersecurity. A bill was recently proposed […]

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