
How to Optimize Google Ads for Hotels and Vacation Rentals
October 11, 2022

How to Optimize Google Ads for Hotels and Vacation Rentals

Creating a Google Business Profile for your hotel is an effective way to get your hotel’s name out in online travel. You can then optimize it for your target audience and push the limits of your pay-per-click campaigns. Once you have an optimize Google Business Profile, it’s time to focus on local SEO for your […]

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September 28, 2022

What Exactly Is Law Enforcement Agency?

A law enforcement agency is a group of government officials who work to protect the public and enforce the law. This category contains law enforcement, courts, and corrections. Even though some of these groups play various responsibilities, they all have the same goal: to prevent law infractions and penalize those who violate them. Here are […]

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Exploring the Dynamics of International Law Enforcement Jobs
September 5, 2022

Google Travel App Review

If you’re looking for a travel app for your smartphone, you’ve probably heard of Google’s travel app. Whether you’re a frequent traveler or just someone who likes to stay up-to-date with the latest travel trends, the Google travel app may be a great option. With features like area-busyness, it’s easy to see which areas are […]

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June 14, 2021

James Feldkamp on Terrorism and Politics

James Feldkamp, author of Theory and Politics of Terrorism, is a Commander USN Ret. and holds an M.A. in international affairs. He has a lot to say about how terrorism works and why it’s more than blind loyalty that fuels the cause. From religion to PR to politics, his book explores the roots and interventions […]

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James Feldkamp
March 12, 2020

James Feldkamp: How to Strengthen Your Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is an endless battle, with bad actors working to compromise unsuspecting people’s computers. Let James Feldkamp help educate you on how to defend yourself. Keeping your computer, phone, and other devices secure from malicious actors and programs seems to be growing more difficult by the day as new methods are employed. The motives for this malice […]

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James Feldkamp
March 3, 2020

Wine Connoisseur James Feldkamp Helps Readers Understand What “Natural Wine” Is

James Feldkamp has long been a wine enthusiast sampling flavors from the vast array of international brands offering a taste of their unique vineyards. Noting the rise of “natural wine,” he helps readers understand below how it differs from other types of wine and what they can expect in terms of flavor and quality. Natural wine […]

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Jim Feldkamp
February 20, 2020

Jim Feldkamp Helps Readers Safeguard Their Information Online Through Insightful Cybersecurity Tips

A cybersecurity expert and specialist in international security, Jim Feldkamp holds an insightful perspective on efforts to safeguard information online. Below, he shares with readers a few key tips for protecting themselves against malicious online attacks and securing their private information when using the internet. For years, Jim Feldkamp has worked on high-level security projects, which have […]

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James Feldkamp
February 6, 2020

James Feldkamp Shares Traveling Checklist to Avoid Stress While Abroad

A proficient traveler, James Feldkamp has learned what elements can make or break a trip and where travelers should place their focus. Below, he shares a quick checklist with readers that will help eliminate major sources of stress while traveling overseas.    Having worked on international security projects for both the military and the Federal […]

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James Feldkamp
January 23, 2020

James Feldkamp Discusses Concerns Over Disproportionate Wages of Grade School Teachers

One of the most trending topics in the American public school system today is the perceived unfairness of wages that teachers must face, often driving them to take on multiple jobs just to make ends meet. James Feldkamp, who has more than 15 years of experience teaching at the university level, discusses some recent highlights below. […]

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James Feldkamp
January 14, 2020

James Feldkamp Offers 4 Key Tips for Cybersecurity

During his career, James Feldkamp has specialized in international security, foreign policy initiatives, and cybersecurity, helping a variety of establishments safeguard themselves from online threats. To help citizens protect themselves against malicious agents seeking to use their private information for harm, he shares with readers below a few key tips for protecting online activity. James […]

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